We all have stories that we tell ourselves.
“I’m not good enough.” “If I work a little harder, I’ll get what I deserve.”
“I should’ve known better.” “Why can’t I just be happy?”
“I’m so behind; everyone is engaged or popping out kids – I’m still here.” “I’ll never find “the one.”
“What if I never figure things out?” “I don’t have time.”
Stress and worry are your best friends.
Your never-ending to-do list always has “self-care” written last.
Nothing about life feels exciting anymore; staying in this routine is almost easier. At least it’s familiar.
Change, even for the better, is too foreign and overwhelming.
What stories keep you stuck?
You are the expert of your life – you’ve lived it all this time.
In therapy, we will uncover your life story through your eyes and understand what is holding you back from living the life you want.
Re-write the parts of your story that no longer serve you.
You are more than just a single story – more than the stories your family tells you about yourself, the stories your friendships make you feel about yourself, and the stories your deepest dark thoughts make you believe about yourself.
Answers for healing come from sitting in discomfort – feeling it, letting it teach you.
– Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Danger of a Single Story
It’s time to understand what happiness means for YOU.
The journey can look different depending on where you are, your needs, and your current circumstances.
Whatever you’ve tried in the past, whatever you think “healing” looks like, we will figure out what that means to you – according to your hopes, dreams, and life values.
There is no right moment to start or perfect time. All you need is the desire to feel better and a hunger for more in this life.